Saturday, May 06, 2006

Studio Work Day

Well today was fairly productive. I first started out by taking Varie to the bon-bon shop I was shown a couple of weeks ago and we both bought some bon-bons for studying (the pic on the left is inside the indoorish mall near where the shop is). I then worked on studio all afternoon. I started off with building a model of my new idea of my scheme that I came up with, while sketching some ideas on a scrap of paper. Afterwards I drew drawings of my ideas, and started to break everything up into a program I have been working on for a while. After finishing up that work, I ate a bon-bon as a snack, hopefully to not spoil my dinner. A few of us went to go get some cheap chinese at a place we had been before. After dinner, I went to delvita to buy some food for the week. I then took some time to photograph my model and drawings to record my progress in studio. Well I thought I was going to go and take night pictures of Praha with my mini tripod I found, but it's too late. Maybe a nice relaxing movie, or anime. :) Ahoj!

Model at morning, noon, and afternoon.

Drawings of Floor Plans

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