Friday, May 26, 2006

Home Alone

Ok, so I may not be totally alone I do have flatmates, but for ten days Vaire, my dear sweet roomie, is going home. She has to do her presentation of her final project and after that, she is done with school! She'll be back, though, but I totally am going to miss her. It's going to be really quiet in the room, but hopefully I'll take the time to work really hard to try to get all my work done (it might be possible). I do finish the rest of my classes, but studio next week. I will get my marks in all of my classes: Monday night is my Photography Exhibit, Tuesday I'll bring in all my drawings for my Figure Drawing Class, and Wednesday is my final Sculpture Class. I haven't been to my Art in Architecture Class in a while, due to personal problems and class being cancled, so I might not get a mark in that class. I going to go talk to her on Tuesday and see what we can work out. Oh and I dropped Ornamental, it was an easy class, but I just didn't enjoy it so much. So in the meantime, I'll be working on CAD, oh how I'm going to loath sitting in front of my computer hours on top of hours, producing all my drawings for my class. I may even model my design in 3D...we'll see how much I hate the computer after CAD. Well I should go to bed, I want to be up in the morning to bid Varie farewell! Ahoj!

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