Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Missing Home

Well today I finally decided that I am getting a little homesick, I thought I might just be sick, but nope I just miss home. I haven't done much these past three days, skipped a couple of classes (just didn't feel like I'd accomplish much), and definitely haven't touched much homework. (Sorry mom and dad!) I've been in a right state, but hopefully it will pass like most things. The reason I probably feel this way is that Easter is just around the corner. Not having family around at Easter is fairly unusually for me. I know last year I wasn't home, since I was my roommate/friend's godmother (I totally forgot to send her an Easter Card too!). But I was home just before that, and I visited my boyfriend's family too. So I think I'm just down in a rut, a couple of people noticed it yesterday. My roomie was really worried about me (thanks Varie, it's nice to have people who care about you when you are far from home). So hopefully with the visit from Vanessa and her friend Gunnar this weekend will turn my spirits up. I know I have ton of friends here, but it's just not the same when you are missing home. They arrive on Saturday afternoon and they'll stay here until Tuesday. So, I'm warning you, you'll get a great 3 day tour of Praha through my posts!

I Miss You All!!!

This afternoon/evening I managed to get some of my homework started. I worked on my Art in Architecture project. I'm supposed to take a building and abstract it. Well I decided to attempt this with St. Vitus Cathedral located in Prague Castle. I want to take an interior and exterior picture (first picture below is original two put together) and mash them together in a M C Escher/Irvine Peacock type way. I took my two pictures I decided on and started playing with them, and entered them in photoshop to see what I can come up with. I decided it'd be the best way, since I really don't think abstractly, to get started. Now hopefully I can do some sketches from the trizillon pictures I composed (ok I'm exaggerating some), but I did compose a lot in different ways and techniques. We'll see how it goes! Well I should get to work on sketches, since I have to wake up early! I'm attending Holy Thursday Mass at St. Vitus Catherdral at 9am (have to get there early!). Ahoj!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey hon,

We miss you too... but we know things are going great there and this is a wonderful experience for you. Hang in there and we will call you and talk soon...

Love you,
