Monday, March 27, 2006

Monday Movie

Well since we've been going out and having a lot of fun lately, Varie and I both decided it was time to take a night off. After seeing the not so apetizing Menza food, we headed to the pub across the street to get something to eat. During dinner Varie mentioned popcorn and a movie sounds good, but we really didn't want to go out. So I said, why not go to Novy Smichov Mall at Andel and get some popcorn from the theatre and bring it home. It was a brilliant idea, and worked great. As we waited for the Tram, the sky was this beautiful sunset, and I had to snag a shot. We we got to the mall, Varie and I did a little shopping at the grocery store and then we headed up to the theatre to grab some popcorn. As we headed home on the Tram, we decided to watch Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. We settled down with our popcorn and candy and watched one of my favorite movies (it's my favorite book too). It was a well spent night in, and it was a lot of fun. Well better head off to bed and get some sleep, I need to be up before 0800 to get my bedding changed, and then get around and do some laundry. Ahoj!

Beautiful Sunset

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