Monday, February 13, 2006

Two Days Left...

I first want to thank everyone that came to my Bon Voyage Party. It was really nice and I hope you all enjoyed yourselves as much as I did. I can't believe I'll be on an airplane in two days, almost done crossing the Atlantic Ocean to arrive in Dublin, Ireland. I'm sure I won't be able to sleep, so I'll really sleep good when I spend my first night in the Praha. I have a lot to do tomorrow: finish packing up, picking up a last few items at the store, and relaxing and having a good day as my last full day in America. I don't have much else going on tomorrow, Ryan (my brother) asked me to fill in for a girl that is his partner for his ballroom dancing class, she broke her ankle. I'm going to be waltzing, it's been a while, so I hope I do ok. Well I probably should call it a night, I should try to get plenty of rest so I'm not tired on my travel day (and what a long day it will be).

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