Saturday, February 18, 2006

Touring Praha

Praha TV Tower

Sculpture of Baby on Praha TV Tower

View from Praha TV Tower

National Theatre

Dancing House

Dancing House

Me in Wencelas Square

Well today I spend most of the day going around and seeing some sights that I would like to see. I went to the Praha TV Tower and went up it to view the city. It was amazing! I then got to go see the National Theatre, which is gorgeous and then I went to see Dancing House by Frank Gehry. I know most people don't like him, but I do, and Fred and Ginger is quite a sight to see. I then went and explored Wencelas Square. It was an eventful day and Varie and I went to go get dinner at the pub. When we got back Varie's Czech Buddy, Michal, showed up to ask us to have a drink before going to a disco. We went and had some wine and meet a lot of nice people, a few more Czechs, a couple American girls, a Frenchman, and a Polishmen. It was a fun time at the Disco and I will post pictures as soon as the guys send them my way. Ahoj!

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