Saturday, July 22, 2006

Three Weeks Later

I don't even know if anyone is still checking this, but here it goes. I can't believe I have been back for three weeks. I did finally get to posting some new pics from my last week in Prague. I will finish posting pictures of Berlin, but not at this time. If you want to check out my last week in Prague pics, the best way to do that is to click on this -> June 2006 and look through them. Well I guess that is it for now, enjoy catching up on some of my Prague pics! I do have one final thing to say, I am glad to be home! I do miss Prague, I miss my friends even more though. I have been able to keep in touch with a bunch of them through our bantering e-mails we have been doing for three weeks. It's so nice, I really do miss the banter down in the Menza. Someone told me you always want to be where you are not, and she was right, that is so true! Ahoj!

Prague Castle
(currently my desktop)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We'll watch and wait.